Sunday, July 29, 2007

Paris Je T'aime

I just came back from seeing Paris Je T'aime at the Princess Cinema. It was a wonderful film that I would recommend to all the romantics in the world.

The movie consisted of 18 short films, all by differend directors and starring different actors. One reason I wanted to see this movie, other than the fact that it takes place in Paris, is that many of my favourite actors are in it.

Steve Buscemi

Natalie Portman

Rufus Sewell and Emily Mortimer

As well as Bob Hoskins, Gerard Depardieu, Elijah Wood, Maggie Gyllenhaal, William Dafoe, and Juliette Binoche. Oh, and a mime...

After seeing this movie, I am even more excited about my exchange. I hope I'll fall in love with Paris too (or, failing that, just meet a really handsome boy in Paris).

Here is the trailer:


Mary said...

Oh you're so lucky! They only played here for the first 2 weeks of July - and I missed it! :(
Who did you see it with? (Or, did you go solo?) I'm going to try to download it and watch it with Stas, or maybe you'd be up for watching it again in Waterloo? (Provided it's playing this weekend...)
I hope you do end up meeting some cute (or handsome, if you like) boy in Paris...and then maybe he'll come to visit you in Waterloo (and then the rest of us can meet him!).
Your Paris trip is fast approaching! I hope you send me a postcard and take lots of pictures! I wish I were travelling somewhere!
Anyways, I'll see you on the weekend - wooo! ^_^ Good luck on exams!

Véronique said...

It's too bad you missed it, but I'm sure you'll be able to rent it from GenX in the future. We can see some other movie when you come down!