Monday, December 3, 2007

Taking advantage of "free Sunday"

Right now it's 12:36am and I am just lying on my bed completely relaxed. I finished my presentation, I just wrote a test for my Roman, Cinema, Societe class, and I have no school tomorrow. Ahhh... Life is sweet. Matt just left a little while ago. He came over "to do homework," but we just ate some steak, got buzzed off Malibu and Coke (too sweet to get drunk with as I discovered), and looked at cute guys on MySpace (one of the most fun things to do with a gay friend is check out guys together).

This past Sunday was a "free Sunday," meaning that many of the sites and museums were free because it was the first Sunday of the month. I got to see the Musee D'Orsay for the first time this trip (I did go 8 years ago though). It was amazing! Overwhelming even. It was filled with some of the most famous Monets, Manets, Gaugins, Renoirs, Van Goghs, etc... Here are some examples:



Many Van Goghs



I don't know who did this one, but she looks tres sexy with that cigarette, no?

I also don't know who did this sculpture, but you've gotta appreciate that this photo rocks!


Afterwards I got to check out Sainte-Chapelle, a church built in the 1200s by Louis IX to hold Jesus' crown of thorns (he actually paid more for the crown than to build the church!) It has some of the most magnificent stained-glass windows in the world.

The famous rose window of Ste-Chapelle which, according to my guide, depicts the Apocalypse.

And then we headed to the Conciergerie, which used to be a prison. During the Revolution they held prisioners here before sending them to be guillotined at Place de la Concorde (Marie-Antionette was held here).

That's about all for now! I'm going to hit the shower and get some shut eye.


Anonymous said...

Heh.. you know what would make that picture of that hall even better?.. if that stupid sculpture weren't there. That cigarette girl looks like a guy.
-Christopher Elliott

Mary said...

I disagree with Chris - that sculpture is kick-ass. So are the rest of the paintings, especially Cezanne. That man knows how to get things done. :P

p.s. Guess what? I'm going to see Feist tomorrow! Do you want a shirt or something?

Véronique said...

Thanks Mary. I just put up more pics from Orsay on my Picassa. I'm so jealous you're seeing Feist! I hear 1,2,3,4 on the radio here, which is cool. I'm not much of one for t-shirts though. I'd rather just hear all about it after. Can't wait to hear how it was!

Weaver said...

I LOVE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!