Monday, August 3, 2009

End of an era

It seems that I'm finishing my undergrad this week. I have two exams, neither of which I'm particularly worried about. Graduating feels bittersweet though. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was heading off to university and freaking out about whether I'd make friends or not. Now, in my 4th year at Waterloo, I finally feel like I'm rooted here. I have my own friends. I certainly feel more in touch here than I ever did living in Montreal. Now I'm moving back to Montreal in two week's time, a city where I barely have any friends at all. AND I'm moving back in with my parents which I'm not really looking forward to ; I LOVE LOVE LOVE my folks, but one gets used to not being nagged all the time, you know?

Since I haven't been on my blog in a long time, let's recap my life a bit, shall we?

1. My grades have been awesome! I honestly don't think it's because I'm really brilliant or that I work really hard, but circumstances have lead me to the Dean's Honours List! Yipee!

2. I applied to McGill for the Library Science program. I applied at the last minute and didn't have any expectations. I got wait-listed, which was slightly disappointing but beats getting flat-out rejected. I think I have a good chance of getting in somewhere next year.

3. One of my oldest friends, Cheryl, got married!! That was a very surreal experience, but now that I'm in my mid-twenties (!) I guess this is going to happen more and more. At least none of my friends have kids (yet!). It was nice to finally meet Dave, Cheryl's now-husband. He seemed very nice, but I hope I get to know him better in the future. I don't see my old friends enough!! Anyhow, voici les photos:

Cheryl walking down the aisle

Awwww. Dad lifts the veil.

Ron and Joanne

Theresa and David (the groom)

Monica looking like a pin-up.

Monica and her lovely boyfriend Adam

Mr. and Mrs. Pridham taking their first dance.

Cheryl and Dave with their families

The three musketeers: me, Cheryl, and Monica!

I liked Cheryl's yellow flowers :-)

There you are kiddos! Wish me luck on my exams!


Erin said...

you're rockin those bangs

Unknown said...

Well, you finished those exams! You are officially done with Waterloo - congrats! :D

Keep in touch when you go to Montreal - and if you ever happen to be going by Vancouver - give me a shout! Oh, and keep sharing on Reader. :P

If you want some Japanese candy, I can send you that too. :)