Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Family Reunion

Sunday, February 17th was the day. My great-tante Marcelle's Paris aparment was the place. The event= a super-awkward but still fun family reunion. Tante Marcelle's passion is music, and her apartment is a veritable museum of instuments and other symphonic periphenalia.

Two pianists played on Marcelle's 100-year-old (as of this year!) double-piano. Well, this is a picture of them on one the sides, but for some of the pieces they each took a side. I remember they played Rhapshody in Blue, and some West Side Story.

Marcelle's hallway. Brimming with interesting stuff!

My cousin Frederique and her new son. Cute!

My Tante Elizabeth. That kid is also related to me, but fuck me if I know how.

Mamousse! She's another "tante", but more distant.

Drink and chat!

My tante Nicole made me a family tree so I could try to place people, but it was basically futile. Most of these people are descendents of like my great-great grandmother's brother, or some such thing.

Marcelle and Mamousse

I love that Marcelle is totally not wearing bras anymore. I can't wait to be old.... She's my hero. I want to be just like her one day.

Best part of the thing= chocolate cake.

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