I felt so good about that, I decided to be cultural tonight and go see an art exhibit all by my lonesome. I wound up checking out Allemagne: les annees noires, which was showing German works from the first world war by artists like Otto Dix and Max Beckmann. Some of my favourite works were Dix's prints from his collection Der Krieg (War). Here's some examples of the works:
Otto Dix, Wounded Soldier, 1924 (etching & aquatint)
George Grosz, Soldiers Charging, 1927
Other than that, the other big thing is that I got a hair cut! I had Alan's cute hairdresser, Christophe, do it. He was really nice and I think he did a good job. I love it when they cut a lot of hair off and your head feels so much lighter.
Old hair: New hair:
Just don't ask me why I'm posing like such a goofball.